Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Let’s Forget The Past Three Weeks”

Seth Rollins defeated Dean Ambrose

wwe smackdownVia Wrestlezone:

Rollins applies a headlock and hits a shoulder block, then Dean Ambrose armdrags him a few times and applies an armbar. Ambrose hits Rollins a few times and hits a quick bulldog for two, then Rollins backs him into the corner but Ambrose goes for a DDT. Rollins blocks and comes back with a knee strike for two, then Ambrose tries to head up top but Kane cuts him off. Ambrose kicks Kane and splashes him on the floor, then he hits Rollins with a standing elbow off the ropes.

Joey Mercury interferes and Seth Rollins tries to steal a rollup, then Ambrose calls for Dirty deeds but Mercury jumps back up. Ambrose takes him out and hits Rollins with a tornado DDT for another two count, then Rollins tries to tie him up. Rollins gets shoved outside, then Ambrose takes out all of the Authority with a top turnbuckles splash, and rolls Rollins back in. Rollins catches him with a kick, but Ambrose hits a rebound clothesline and goes after Mercury when he runs in. Rollins blocks it, then he kicks Ambrose and hits a Pedigree for the win.

Another night and another run-in by The Authority. I did not like how quickly they went back to help Seth Rollins. It seems like the previous weeks of dissension did not even happen. THAT is a problem. We are supposed to forget everything now because Brock Lesnar is back. 

Still, the logical and the common sense need to be there. It needs consistency and WWE did not show any this week. Mercury and Kane should NOT help Seth Rollins tonight. Let him do these “smaller” matches on his own. Bring in the big guns, after a few weeks, to beat down the big gun. But, at least we got a quality PPV match from Rollins and Ambrose.

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 6



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