Lashley vs Eric Young
EY tries to be the cowardly heel, running away and trying to connect with quick punches and elbows. Lashley avoids it and slams him into the apron, but gets hit with an elbow in the corner. Lashley comes back with a clothesline and a vertical suplex. Eric catches Lashley with a forearm before he kicks him outside, then he hits a neckbreaker.
He tries to lock in the figure four, but Lashley kicks him outside. Lashley hits a belly to bell suplex and a spinebuster. After a few more reversals, Eric finally hits Lashley and they exchange blows in the corner. Chris Melendez makes his way out as Lashley spears Eric for the win.
Lashley and Eric Young put on a good bout tonight, with Lashley being the more dominant offensive wrestler. Eric Young continues to have a nice balance of smarts and speed. He was able to avoid a handful of moves, while connecting with his own. He continues to be the one guy in TNA that you can constantly hate. He isn’t trying to be liked. He is trying to be tough and dangerous, while making sure he garners enough heat from the crowd.
Lashley picks up the win and my question is this: what does he do at Slammiversary? It seems like he has been kind of left out in the cold in the past few months since dropping the title to Angle.
Jade vs. Brooke
Knockouts action on Impact features Two women who have not gotten a ton of in-ring time as of late. Jade picks up the loss when Brooke sidesteps and Marti gets knocked down. This lets Brooke get on the offensive and hits a crossbody.
There was not too much to note here. It seemed like TNA wanted to give a week off from Taryn and Gail, which I do not quite understand.