WZ Mailbag: WWE Without John Cena, WWE Network Numbers, WWE’s Future Competition, Should Sting Have Lost At Wrestlemania?, More

john cenaDo you think there will be any title changes in the US or WHC matches at Elimination Chamber since it’s the last day the Network is offered for free? Would major storyline shifts like these affect Network numbers? 

Considering the fact that many Championships are lost during the chamber match, I see them possibly switching the US Title. If they do indeed do that, I don’t see many people staying just because of that – if they were to switch the WHC then I would see more people switching. WWE has had a lot of success with keeping free users so a major storyline shift would definitely make some people stay, obviously how much is unknown but certainly enough that they constantly give out free months.

Let’s say TNA, GFW ROH whatever suddenly become uber popular and rival WCW in rating. What would Vince and the WWE do? 

Well as much as I want that to happen, it won’t. Theoretically, if it were to happen WWE would probably just buy it over. If that’s not possible then we would go back to the days of the  old Monday Night Wars. WWE would have to quickly change its product to attract viewers, much like what we saw in the Attitude Era. Obviously, WWE has learned from its past and will have an advantage over its competitors. 

Sting losing vs Triple H at the WWE PPV, WrestleMania was a good or bad idea? I think it was a bad idea, let’s think about it, Triple H had so many WrestleMania moments, and Sting had his 1st WrestleMania match, so he should have won instead WWE for sure paid Sting well to lose this match. I think the decision for the WWE to have Sting lose the match was a bad idea.

I agree 100% with this one. WWE had an opportunity to do more than a simple match, instead Vince and his WCW ego got in the way. Sting is at the end of his career and giving him a win could have propelled him somewhere – where I am not sure but it would have shown that WWE has faith in him. It’s a shame that one man has all the say with the direction WWE can go.


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