Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling Live “New Characters and New Stories”

Storm Targets Mickie James

impact wrestlingJames Storm gives Mickie James a guitar as a friend. Magnus comes out and stands right next to his fiance. Storm says he has a gift for Magnus as well. He grabs the helmet that Magnus used to wear and begins to laugh. Magnus pushes him and begins to get upset with Storm.

Storm says it is all fun and games and is just having a good time. Magnus and Mickie leave and he gets back into the ring to hit Storm with the guitar.

I like Storm and I like Magnus. This feud seems a little random to me. The Revolution was given tons of time, but it seems like TNA is now trying to make Storm be liked by the fans. Why? Storm is an excellent heel. Magnus is a good face. I am not sure if TNA is making the right decision here, trying to have sympathy for a character like James Storm.

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The Dollhouse Has Potential

With Taryn at the helm, The Dollhouse picks up a win in a very eventful match. With plenty of action, Taryn is able to pick up the victory. I was skeptical to see Taryn as a heel, but it works. She is so attractive and is a beautiful blonde that everyone would love to be and love to be with.

Gail and Kong are always going to be liked by the fans, so it only makes sense to turn Taryn and go full force with her as a heel champion. I can’t wait to see Taryn continue to develop in her new role and carry a thriving division.

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