Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “A Night of Excellent Execution”

Rusev Crushes Fandango/Lana Dances

wwe rawRusev and Fandango fight, with Rusev taking much of the offense. He kicks him a handful of times and sends him to the outside. Fandango gets Lana to dance and Rusev attacks. He sends Lana to the back. Back into the ring, Rusev makes him tap out.

I was very skeptical to see how WWE would split these two up, but this is an excellent idea. Yes, Rusev and Lana are so good together and I am not sure where Lana goes after the split. I think Rusev is at a point where he gets so much heat no matter where he is and Lana is only garnering him cheers.

I love this and think it is a natural feel from the fans and WWE knows they need to capitalize now on her popularity. She is absolute money and Rusev can be hated more and more bottling her up each week. What will be her breaking point? I think WWE can drag this until July or August. We all know the WWE Universe loves their beautiful women.

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Stardust vs. R-Truth

Truth takes him down and then Stardust hits a front suplex. He screams in his face and looks at his bag. He kicks him in the stomach, but Truth punches back. Both men collide in the center of the ring. Truth hits some kicks and then hits a suplex for two. Stardust kicks out and Truth looks at the bag that Stardust brought. Stardust ends up getting the win.

I am not sure about the whole bag thing, but this was a low point in an excellent night of Raw.

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