Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Limit The Contenders”

AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella

smackdownThe two Divas do battle on Smackdown Thursday night. 

AJ sweeps her legs and dives on her from the turnbuckles. Brie applies a submission hold to slow down the pace.

AJ fights out and Brie takes her down with a snapmare takedown. She goes back to a chin lock before slamming AJ into the ropes, followed by a knee to the face. AJ hits a neckbreaker and dropkicks Brie out of the ring, then Nikki argues with Paige, and AJ makes Brie tap out to the Black Widow. 

This was a very smooth return and easy execution for AJ Lee. She fights her way out of some adversity, stays fast but also focsues on her strengths. Her strengths in the ring is the submission work she possesses. Being smaller, she will never hit those “power” moves, so her return and booking tonight was good. It was also long enough to make it for a complete match. 

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Miz and Mizdow Continue to Split

I wonder why WWE seems to be giving this match a potential chance at WrestleMania over Gold and Stardust. I love Damien Mizdow and he has done an excellent job at really becoming his own (even though he was mimicking Miz for months) He has a real good knowledge of how to get over with the crowd and when to. As for both men, I worry about what is in their future. After their split, what is next? Where do both men go? I like this feud, but a family affair with Gold and Stardust could make for some really compelling television, if done right. 

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