Let’s Book WrestleMania 31: The Intellectual Savior of the Masses Returns

So here’s how this one breaks down: 

  1. The Miz and Damien Mizdow enter the aforementioned tag team tournament (see: Pre-Show Match) to re-capture their lost gold. 
  2. They look strong in their first round win over Los Matadores. 
  3. In the second round, a communication error leads to the Dust brothers knocking them out of the tournament. 
  4. The Miz must be the one to take the pinfall.
  5. Following their match, Miz and Mizdown get into an argument, but ultimately end up leaving together. 
  6. Tension is played up on Main Event and Smackdown, with Miz bullying his stunt double over their lost title opportunity.

After a week (or two) of torment from The Miz, his stunt double is reaching his boiling point. During an in-ring segment, Miz will launch into yet another verbal tirade about their woes, and how useless his double is, and simultaneously how “awesome” he is. Mizdow will continue to parrot for a few minutes, but will eventually stop and stand behind the clueless Miz, allowing him to continue drawing heat from the crowd. The fans will know what to do – an inevitably “Mizdow” chant will break out – and Miz will turn around, realizing he has stopped stunt-doubling, and shove him. At the peak of the crowd chants Mizdow will attack Miz, catching him off-guard not with the Skull Crushing Finale, but with his own signature Full Nelson slam.

Over the remaining weeks, the two will compete in a primarily verbal battle. The Miz will play the typical “after all I did for you” heel, while Damien will make a big deal about his name actually being SANDOW.

For a nice visual display, have Sandow come out with his stunt double jacket and shades and throw them in the trash. He then takes his classic blue robe out of a bag and puts it on, declaring himself one again the intellectual savior of the unwashed masses, and a beacon of light in a harbor of iniquity. 

* * *

So there you have it. In my mind, this is the perfect match to kick off WrestleMania 31 with. The crowd will be red hot, as they always are for the introductory match. The ever-insane global (read: UK) audience and the legion of Sandow supporters will make his victory over The Miz a truly memorable WrestleMania moment. 


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