Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Lashley Is On His Own”

X-Division Championship Match

impact wrestlingAustin Aries controls the match early. He hits some snap suplexes and then takes him to the outside. Low Ki rings him up on the ropes and then kicks him in the chest. MVP teases Austin Aries and Low Ki throws him back into the ring. Low Ki hits a Ki Crusher from the top tope and picks up the win.

More time, please. Another championship change in the X-Division. Austin Aries gets his BDC involved and the guys celebrate. Austin Aries and Low Ki could have had a much better match with more time and more build. Did it seem like they rushed the ending?

Take out some of the talking earlier in the night and put that 5 minutes to these guys.

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MVP brings out Lashley and he talks about their family. MVP says that Lashley looks like a champion, with the shoes and clothes. MVP says that he gave Lashley the title, gave him the style and made him. MVP says the titles in this family belongs to the BDC.

Lashley gets involved and says that the title does not belong to any of them. The title belongs to him and he calls himself the champ. He says the title belongs to him. MVP says that he owes them a debt of gratitude and thanks. Lashley says that he is not about the family. He says that is not me and MVP grabs his hand. Lashley calls him by his real name and MVP looks upset. He says that he is his brother and talks about their brotherhood. MVP hugs Lashley and then kisses him. Low Ki begins to kick him and the BDC beats him down.

Lashley is all on his own now. He is a guy who is better with someone else, but not MVP. Lashley is not the best speaker, but he could be their best wrestler. The size and power was overshadowed by the constant talking of MVP and Kenny King. Without these guys, I can see the champion getting better and better as a face. He is a likable guy because of how good he really is in the ring. This is a positive step for Lashley, but I fear that his next opponent is MVP. MVP is similar to Jeff Jarrett. He is not a main event guy, even though he thinks he is.

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@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter, Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZZ 6.5




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