Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “When Lesnar Returns, Everything is Better”

Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel

wwe rawChris Jericho begins to talk about Rusev and Lana kissing and something going on between them. He asks why they are so serious and why they are just butt puppets. Lana and Jericho yell at one another and Rusev cuts them off. He says that all Jericho does is talk and Jericho says he knows someone who wants to fight him. Out comes Ryback, who stares at Rusev.

If you want fresh, this is it. I am not sure how I feel about it. I think it could be a good feud and really help develop more than just one layer for each guys’ character. I just do not know who NEEDS to win here. Does Rusev finally lose, and is it to Ryback? Or does Ryback take the loss in this feud. I do think Ryback can thrive in the mid card, but I just don’t know if this is the absolute right feud for him. I am holding out hope it gets better for both guys. I think it can.  

WZ 6

The New Day Does Not Connect

Goldust punches Xavier a few times before Woods hits a dropkick. Big E throws Woods into Goldust and he heads to the outside. Stardust gets into the ring and then he begins to punch away at Big E. He kicks him in the face and then Big E catches Stardust in mid air. Woods makes the tag and then he kicks Stardust in the face. Woods hits a diving dropkick and works on his arm. 

Big E gets back into the ring again and hits a suplex. Another quick tag and they hit a few double team moves. Woods hits a hip toss and Woods throws them both to the outside as we head to a break. Goldust works on Big E’s leg and then hits a leg split. The pace slows down a bit with a choke hold. Goldust hits a spinebuster and gets a two count. Stardust unloads multiple shots to E and then kicks him in the face. Goldust and Woods gets tagged in and Woods hits a dropkick. Goldust hits a scoop slam for a two count. New Day hits The Midnight Hour for the win.

The match was actually pretty good in many aspects. There was plenty of time to work, multiple paces of fast and slow, high flying moves and even a little bit of strength from Big E. The problem is this: WWE fans could care less about New Day right now. They just no connection with the crowd. They are trying so hard and it just is not working at all right now.

Fans chanted CM Punk and NXT. WWE has to listen to what is working. I am not giving up on them, but a good match like this is overshadowed by the lack of interest in these characters.

WZ 5.5


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