Wrestlezone Reacts: Your Thoughts on Daniel Bryan in the WWE Hall of Fame

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WrestleMania Main Eventer

I would like to add to the list what I believe is the most important achievement of his career – winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event of the biggest Wrestlemania of all time. That is the biggest accomplishment in his record book and that feat alone is big enough to earn him a place in the WWE Hall Of Fame.

Apart from this, the rest are not as important. For instance, they will acknowledge that he is considered the best wrestler of his generation. They might make a quick list of his other titles and awards too, but that will pretty much be it. The doubt that I have is not whether he will get inducted, but whether he will be the main attraction of that year’s Hall Of Fame ceremony or not.

-Smark Madden

He won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 30. I think that alone gets him in the HOF. Only a small amount of people can say they won the World Title in the main event of WrestleMania. Benoit would obviously be the only one to do so that won’t get in the HOF.



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