Just Another RAW Review: How to Correctly Promote a Survivor Series Match, Thoughts on Cena vs. Authority & More from the 11/10 Show


Quick match. Paige gets the win and a good reaction from her country, but that pop just reminds me of how well she could have been built up since the last time WWE was in the UK (where she lost…clean). 

Stephanie McMahon tells Lana and Rusev to join Team Authority. Lana acts indignant, and Stephanie calls her a stuck up twit. Lana says she’ll think about it

I feel like they could have drawn more heat by just doing the straight-up bad guy exchange here. Who are we supposed to like in this segment? I understand that we’re dealing with two massive egos, and two powerful, independent women. I guess I just don’t understand why WWE consistently gets in their own way with Stephanie’s character. 

RUSEV def. SHEAMUS to retain the U.S. Title. Long match, lots of random chants from Liverpool. Goons attack Sheamus to cause a count-out loss. 

smackdown reactionI guess this was alright. They finally got something going at the end, but it’s not like the slow build was bad. I can stomach the interference and the count-out finish, because it adds to the story, being that the Authority can help Rusev keep the U.S. title. It also keeps Sheamus in the picture, which I’m sure will come in handy later. I do feel like the amount they’ve run this match for free is going to hinder any future PPV bouts these two might end up having down the line. For now though, I’m fine with how this played out. 

It’s also worth pointing out that Sheamus RETIRED Noble during his monstrous debut run many years ago. A little payback right there. 

Lana tells Stephanie that Rusev will join Team Authority. Stephanie is a ***** about Putin.

Seth Rollins rambles on about Team Authority while Ryback is working out. Ryback tells him he’s gonna destroy John Cena, and reiterates not to get in his way. 

Again, are we trying to get a face reaction out of Stephanie, or Lana? You’re heels – just be on the same page. Unless they plan on the two turning on the Authority at some point, I just see this as conflict for the sake of conflict. 

More Ryback teasing. He hasn’t look this strong in quite a while. 


OK comedy segment where Mizdow was more over than anybody else out there. I guess they’re now the contenders to the tag titles according to Cole, so that’s…a thing. Hornswoggle was out there with them, because of El Torito. If this is the whole build-up to a title match, it’s laughable how far those belts have fallen. I mean honestly, just retire the tag team division altogether, because it’s dead in WWE, and I highly doubt it’s ever coming back. 

(P.S. If you get mad at the above statement, you probably don’t remember what real tag wrestling was like in the 1980’s, 90’s and at the turn of the century with the RAW and Smackdown brand split. To take nothing away from the Usos, and the few guys who are still trying; it’s 100% a problem with WWE’s creative vision, or lake thereof. 


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