Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Randy Orton is Red Hot Again”

WWE Tag Team Division Heating Up

Fernando hits a hurricanranna, but Stardust hits a dropkick.  Fernando hits a diving elbow drop and then throws Cody into the ropes. Goldust gets a distraction and Diego gets thrown into the steps from Goldust. El Torito tries to knock out Goldust and Fernando hits a Back Stabber for the win.

It looks like WWE is going to go in the route of The Uso’s vs. Miz and Mizdow vs. Los Matadores vs. Gold and Stardust. I complain about WWE not building multiple tag teams at one time, so I can’t change my feelings now. At least WWE is trying to build a few teams together. When, oh when, will The Ascension debut? I can easily see Miz and Mizdow stealing the titles somehow. It looks like this is the way WWE wants to go, even though Gold and Stardust are still the best options as tag team champions.

WZ 5.5

The Future is Here With Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins and Randy Orton kick off the main event. Rollins kicks Orton in the stomach and stomps away.  Randy Orton reverses it and clotheslines Rollins to the outside. He slams Rollins’ head into the announce table and then hits a backbreaker. Randy cleans the announce table off and gets back into the ring with Seth. Rollins hits a big kick to his face and then heads to the top. Randy counters with a superplex and Rollins takes out Orton. He launches himself and hits a knee. 

Randy Orton sets up a DDT, but Rollins counters with rolls him up with a backslide. Seth wins and the night is not over. Randy Orton shakes the hands of Noble, Mercury and Kane. He looks at Seth Rollins and says I’m sorry, hitting him with an RKO. He tries to hit the punt and Triple H gets involved. He stops him and yells no. Randy punches Triple H and The Authority comes in to attack Orton. He continues to attack everyone and hits Mercury with an RKO. Kane pulls him off of Rollins and he hits a Curb Stomp on the table. 

The end of the night comes when Triple H orders then to take out Randy Orton. He hesitantly says this and another Curb Stomp is hit on the steel steps. 

This was an excellent ending to WWE Raw. I love seeing Randy Orton, the company’s best wrestler, be in the spotlight. This character is reminding us of how great he can be. He gets the reaction from the crowd because he is so good in the ring. I cannot remember a really bad Orton match or feud. I am sure they are some, but he is still at the top of his game. He needs to be removed from The Authority and this is the best way.

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton can be really good down the road and this is just the beginning. The ending kept so much open, while Orton takes a few weeks off. Does he make his return at Survivor Series ( in his hometown) on Team Cena? Orton is so hot right now and that is what WWE needed. They desperately needed another established face to help Cena run the company.

WZ 8


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Raw Reaction Rating:

WZZ 6.5