Stars in Progress: Mark Henry Up, Brock Lesnar & John Cena Down, Dean Ambrose Returns; Is Bray Wyatt Dead in the Water?

STEP DOWN: Bray Wyatt

bray wyattWhere the hell is Bray Wyatt? This guy was the hottest act in wrestling in late 2013 and early 2014, having incredibly successful program with Kane, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and The Shield. Then John Cena happened… 

This is what happens when there’s an extreme lack of top babyfaces. A heel gets popular very quickly, finds an enormous amount of success in his gimmick, and there’s nowhere for him to go. He’d already beaten everyone else. Punk is gone. Bryan is gone. John Cena was the only babyface relevant enough to book against him. I thought they had a decent trio of matches with one very good stand-out performance. If they had just left it at that and let Bray come back from the final loss – or god forbid, put him over – he would still be a popular act on RAW, albeit without any actual competition. Instead, they used Bray to put over JOHN CENA in a squash match, to prepare him for a Night of Champions main event that ended via bullshit. So essentially they sacked his push for nothing. 

The current rumor going around is that WWE wants to turn him babyface so he doesn’t get lost in the roster. Because, as I’ve noted three times now, he has no competition. That’s always their solution. The solution should be to invest time in guys like Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, and Cesaro. The solution should be to not continually bury guys like R-Truth, Titus O’Neil and Big E Langston, who could have provided decent babyfaces if any time were put into them. I could even get behind a Bray Wyatt/Ryback program if it were done well. There’s ALWAYS options, but they require effort and a creative team that didn’t just recycle the same half dozen programs from the last decade of programming. 


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