Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Focus More On Your Product and Not The NFL”

Chris Jericho defeated Kane

raw reactionRaw Reaction begins with a match between two veterans. Chris Jericho starts off hot with a missle dropkick and then a cross body to the outside. Kane gets in control with a big punch and a kick to his face. Jericho hits a kick to the side of Kane’s head. He hits a few chops and then locks in a neck breaking submission hold. Kane plants Jericho with a body press. Another side suplex and a big boot from Kane and he heads to the top. Jericho catches him with a dropkick. Kane tries to cheat, but Jericho hits another cross body for a two count. Jericho tries to get a Walls of Jericho locked in, but cannot turn the monster over. Kane catches Jericho by the throat after a Lionsault. Jericho kicks him in the exposed turnbuckle and picks up the win with a roll-up.

Chris Jericho picks up a good win on Raw after a very smooth match. There were no big “wow” moments, something that we used to see from Jericho on a weekly basis. I am not discrediting the win for Jericho, but a roll-up on Kane somewhat devalues him being a monster. I hate when a man much larger loses by roll-up. It is very illogical and senseless.

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Jack Swagger defeated Bo Dallas

Bo Dallas hits a few punches to Swagger and then some aggressive elbow shots to his face. While in the corner, Dallas continues to slug away until Swagger is able to fight back. Dallas heads to the top and misses an knee drop. Swagger gets up and runs over Dallas. He hits some striking knees and then a boot to his face.  Dallas rolls to the outside and rings up Swagger on the top rope. Kick out from Swagger and Dallas continues to punch away. Nice combination that goes from a pinfall attempt to Dallas tapping out to Jack Swagger.

Jack Swagger picks up a win against his new feud. That should wrap it up pretty quickly and I am absolutely okay with that. Swagger is much better right now than he has been in years. Dallas is not the right feud for him. I was somewhat impressed with the chemistry between the two guys, have a smooth and mistake-free match. I really do not know what Bo Dallas’ move set is though. He is very basic and generic right now.

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Paige and Nikki Bella defeated AJ Lee and Brie Bella

Paige and Brie kick things off in the ring. Paige connects with a big boot and then vicious knees to her stomach. Paige slows things down in the ring and locks in some submission holds. Paige hits a big head butt and then a chokehold. Nikki Bella tosses AJ Lee off the apron and Paige hits Rampage for the win. Nikki hits her finisher onto Brie after the match.

The way this has been booked, expect Brie to interfere and cost her sister the championship. I can see the two women chasing off and leaving it up to Paige and AJ Lee in the middle of the ring on Sunday. Paige gets better and better and her mind games with AJ Lee continue to be good. How much more can they get out of these two? Who wins?

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