Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Jericho and Orton Overshadowed By Reigns and Rollins”

International Arm Wrestling Match

smackdown reactionMark Henry and Rusev start an arm wrestling match. Henry turns his wrist and beats Rusev. Lana argues with the referee and then Michael Cole announces that Lana and Rusev want a rematch with their left hands. Henry accepts the challenge. Henry is about to win, but Lana throws chalk in his eyes. Rusev hits a cheap shot and then a big kick to his back. He chants and cheers to the crowd as the segment comes to an end.

I have seen better and worse arm wrestling contests like this. Mark Henry and Rusev is a good pairing for both men. Henry continues to use his veteran presence to help get a young guy over, while Rusev is able to learn and grow. Swagger is a much different opponent that Mark Henry and Rusev is able to adapt and try to be different on a week to week basis. I love how he is yelling after each move and feel this was a really positive step for the character of Rusev. 

WZZ 6.5

Dolph and The Miz Use Stunt Doubles

The Miz and Damien Mizdow face off against Dolph Ziggler and R-Ziggler. Dolph and Damien start the match. Ziggler hits a dropkick and then locks in a headlock. Truth gets in the ring and works away at Damien. The Miz focuses on the right leg of Truth and Miz kicks him on the mat. Miz blocks a punch and hits a neckbreaker combination. Dolph gets the hot tag and so does Damien. The IC Champ explodes in the ring and hits a flying clothesline and a neckbreaker. Ziggler comes back with a Fameasser and The Miz breaks it up. He punches Ziggler relentlessly. Truth misses a scissors kick and Truth hits a Zig Zag. Dolph picks up the win.

I got a good laugh out of this segment. Dolph uses a stunt double to make fun of The Miz and continues to get the upper hand. Miz vs. Ziggler has some interest in it, but I wish WWE would have used it as a ladder match. Both men have that history and have succeeded. I would have loved to see what they could have come up with and the spots that could have been executed from Ziggler. 

WZ 6


Roman Reigns heads onto Randy Orton and punches away at his foe. Rollins throws Reigns onto the announce table. Roman Reigns is isolated and the injuries from Monday continue to haunt him. Orton locks in the submission hold and the heels are in full control. Chris Jericho and Seth Rollins get going in the ring and Rollins hits a spinning heel kick. Rollins hits Three Amigos and Jericho tries to tag in Reigns. He breaks it up and drags Jericho to Orton. Chris Jericho finally gets a tag and Reigns hits a Samoan Drop onto Rollins. Orton gets hit with an explosive clothesline and then he gets his hands onto Seth Rollins. He hits a clothesline into the corner and Seth is spilling to the outside. Roman Reigns hits a huge kick and then punches at him. Jericho hits a big cross body and Reigns clotheslines Rollins into the crowd. Jericho counters and pins Randy Orton.

An above average main event with the young guys stealing the show. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns is going to be one hell of a match at Night of Champion and WWE knows that. Seth Rollins gets the best out of his opponents. As for Chris Jericho and Randy Orton, expect a smooth and physical match that could be very underrated. We have seen them main event Smackdown so many times, though. That is their only downfall for Night of Champions. How will WWE make it different than a Smackdown main event?

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating Is…

WZ 5.5



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