Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “A Problem When Divas Steal The Show”

Paige defeated Brie Bella

smackdown reactionBrie starts with some forearms to the champion and punches her on the mat. Paige gets the upper hand and taunts AJ Lee, who is on commentary. Paige turns aggressive and hits some headbutts and drives her knees into Brie’s stomach. Brie ducks a clotheslines and then hits a dropkick. AJ starts to talk trash to Nikki Bella, who is at ringside. Brie pulls AJ off of her sister to separate them and then Paige catches Brie the the Ram-Paige for the win.

Perfect ending. A cheap win for the heel champion and Nikki costs Brie the match. AJ Lee and Nikki, Paige and Brie, Paige and AJ, Nikki and Brie. All of these are working right now and I like how they added the championship between the twins. I can’t take much more of Nikki by herself complaining and moaning.

WZZ 6.5

Bo Dallas defeated Zack Ryder

Bo Dallas picks up a very quick win over Ryder with a few moves. Nothing much to note here. Jack Swagger runs down the ring and gets his hands onto Bo. Bo is able to escape from a potential Patriot Lock.  Swagger and Zeb lead the crowd in a chant to end the segment.

A little better, but still the weakest part of the show. I am just not sold right now on the development of Bo Dallas. There needs to be another layer of his personality and I am not seeing it right now. Swagger should have moved onto someone else, someone stronger and bigger to fit his mold.

WZ 4

Ten Man Tag Team Match

John Cena, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry and Big Show faced off against The Wyatt Family, Seth Rollins and Kane. This was pretty much what we see every single week on Smackdown. A main event only to make the faces look strong and the kids go home happy. I wonder why WWE throws Smackdown main events in the garbage at times. We most likely will get this as a rematch on Raw anyways. That is what ALWAYS happens. They took three commercial breaks. THREE. Seriously? Why in the world would you want to make this match over a half hour of total television time? The faces all hit finishers and pose to the crowd. We have seen this so many times before.

Smackdown was more about the Divas feud than anything else. There was little meaning to this night and I feel like WWE needs to step up big time to make Smackdown more important and different when they switch to Thursday night. If not, the NFL will massacre them. Who am I kidding? They already do. The show was barely above average.

WZ 5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Smackdown Final Rating:

WZ 5.5