Wrestlezone Top 10: Undertaker “Streak” Matches That DIDN’T Happen

#2  John Cena

This is the ultimate WrestleMania paradox – the match that everyone wants to see, but probably can’t happen, and likely will never happen.

john cena dvdTraditional babyface John Cena against traditional icon Undertaker isn’t all that interesting. Because Cena isn’t multidimensional, the only possible story they could tell is that one has the title, and the other wants it. In 2014 not even that is plausible. The Deadman isn’t winning the belt at 49.

The idea of Cena wanting to beat the Streak isn’t a good story. He’s never been the character that needs to make sure everyone around him is knocked down a peg. The only motivation he really ever has is to be WWE Champion, or to thwart some giant evil that’s oppressing the roster. And most of the time, the evil has to come to him, as evident by his total apathy over the Authority for the past year.

What’s more important is that nobody really wants to see Cena end the Streak. To be fair, nobody wanted to see Lesnar end the Streak either. But if the unthinkable happened – if John Cena were to have a complete breakdown in character – then we’d have something interesting to work with. If a heel John Cena were to face the Streak and survive, you’d have a story worth telling. 


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