Halfway There: Wrestlezone’s Top 10 Biggest Moments in 2014 (So Far)

WZ Top TenIs it really June already? Has it really been almost five months since the Royal Rumble, and two full months since one of the greatest WrestleMania's in history? 


Sorry — too soon? 

We are approaching the halfway point of 2014. World titles have changed hands, entire divisions have been given a face-lift, developmental talents have been signed to WWE contracts, and long-time Superstars have been let go. So much has happened all over the wrestling world, I felt it would be appropriate to give the first six months of this year it's very own "best of" list. 

Before we get started with Wrestlezone's Top 10 Biggest Moments in 2014 (So Far), let us pause to remember the life, and celebrate the legacy of a recently fallen hero… 

Elgin's Mullet


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