Halfway There: Wrestlezone’s Top 10 Biggest Moments in 2014 (So Far)

#10 – I'm Afriad I've Got Some Bad News…

2014 is definitely the year of Wade "Bad News" Barrett. After the Nexus shocked the world and then fizzled, it took years for Barrett to regain ground on the roster. The Corre certainly didn't help. 

I was one of the people who hated the "BNB" gimmick when it first came out on television. All he would do is come out, get on a podium and say something cheesy for cheap heat. He never wrestled. After, he'd smile a cheeky grin and smack the hell out of the podium with his plastic gavel. WHY DID HE NEED A GAVEL? Was Barrett also a judge? 

A few months ago they actually had him start to wrestle again. A major improvement in his in-ring work along with the new gimmick proved to be the perfect formula. Check out the video below – the IZOD Center made this one of the coolest, and biggest moments of 2014 (so far). 



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