Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Seth Rollins Shines on Smackdown”

Seth Rollins Shines on Smackdown

smackdown reactionSeth Rollins defeated Dolph Ziggler

This was the perfect opponent for Rollins on his first night as a heel. Ziggler and Rollins work for about 15 minutes. Ziggler hits Fameasser and then gets a two count. Rollins goes up top, only for Ziggler to send him face first off the top rope. Rollins shrugs off Ziggler and then kicks him in mid-air. Rollins gets to his feet and punches away at Ziggler. He throws him into the corner with the powerbomb and then Curb Stomps him for the win. 

Excellent and fun match on Smackdown. Rollins shows you that his offense CAN adapt to being a heel. The guy focused on arrogance and intensity. Having Triple H in his corner does not hurt at all. Ask Orton or Batista that. 

Score: 8/10

Big Show vs. Randy Orton

The match was your typical match with Big Show. He controls early and then Orton gets a few of his moves in, including a hanging DDT from the top center rope. Big Show hits a spear through Orton. He is able to hit the KO Punch onto Orton but Triple H gets involved. Rollins hits a knee off the ropes to cause the DQ. 

Rollins shined on Smackdown because the whole show was about him. I really wish it was a Raw, but I completely understand. I just hope the Big Show getting beaten down does not mean he is involved in a major angle with these guys.

Score: 5/10

WWE Smackdown Score: 6/10

​@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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