Title This: WWE Payback Reaction “More Extreme Than Extreme Rules”

Bad News Barrett defeated Rob Van Dam

wwe paybackReview:

Rob Van Dam hits a spinning heel kick and kicks him in the corner. RVD hits another thrust kick and gets a two count. Barrett kicks him in the stomach and then sends RVD to the outside. Barrett hits an elbow drop to the heart of RVD on the outside. RVD finally gets going and hits Rolling Thunder. It looks like he is closing in on the IC Title, but Barrett had some Bad News. He moves from a Five Star Frog Splash and hits a Winds of Change. Another two count and the match goes on. RVD hits a Tornado DDT but misses a top rope move. Barrett hits Bullhammer for the win.


Much like every RVD match in the past ten years, it was pretty good. I do not think this pairing has longevity, but Barrett came off with a solid win on a PPV. It is hard to dislike what happened here tonight with Barrett. Who is next for Barrett? He needs to find someone to feud with immediately. I want to see Barrett in a 3-4 month feud with someone instead of a new opponent every month. 

Score: 6/10

Daniel Bryan's Decision

Brie Bella ends up quitting, which allows Daniel Bryan to keep his championship. Brie slaps Stephanie in the face and she runs off. 

I still do not like this. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion is not the prime focus right now. It is more about Brie and Stephanie. Why? Instead of this, Bryan gets overshadowed by Brie. I really did not like this. What does this do for Bryan? It gives him time and lets him stick around while he heals. I still am going to wait and see before ripping it to shreds even more. Daniel Bryan does not and should not take a back seat. He needs to find another role on TV until he heals. The best part was Stephanie addressing CM Punk quitting. Second best was the hard slap. i just do not want Bryan's storyline to be focused solely on his wife and what she does for him. 

Score: 5/10


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