Title This: 2014 WWE Extreme Rules Reaction

The Shield defeated Evolution

wwe extreme rulesHighlights of the match:

The pure chaos that started the match. Seth Rollins added a suicide dive to the outside. Rollins lands on his feet and hits a kick to the back of Orton's head. I was pleasantly surprised to see the speed of the match pick up even more when Dean Ambrose got into the ring.

Reigns tosses Batista into the barricade and misses a spear onto Triple H. The slow and methodical process of Evolution dissecting Ambrose was very clever and catered to their personalities.

Reigns came in and cleaned house.The electricity of Reigns is quite the spectacle. Rollins hits  a kick from the ropes and Reigns says he is going to the Triple Powerbomb. Batista is planted but is saved by his teammates. Triple H hits a Pedigree onto Reigns. An RKO knocks out Reigns.

Ambrose leaped over the announce tables and stole the show with that move. H, Orton, Rollins and Ambrose head into the crowd, which was absolutely incredible. It feels like it has been years since WWE has done this. Just when I thought they did enough, Rollins flies from the stands onto all three men.  

Finally, Batista hits a spinebuster in the ring. Reigns connects with a Superman Punch and a Spear for the win. 


Wow, this may have been match of the year so far in the WWE. This was a battle, a war. This match gave us every facet of action we could want. The speed and intensity never faded. The spots were incredible and they continued to top it with Rollins flying from the sky.

It was such an incredible encounter and The Shield showed us why they are the absolute best thing going on in WWE… STILL. Roman Reigns continues to get the big spotlight, while the other two guys fill in the blanks in a match that was stellar.

Score: 9.5/10