hulk hogan

30 Years of WrestleMania: Wrestlezone’s Top 10 Superstars to Headline the Showcase of the Immortals

#10 – Andre the Giant

hoganAnde the Giant is one of the biggest names in the history of pro wrestling; one of the few greats to transcend the business, leaving a legacy as the largest pop culture icon ever (literally speaking, of course). But if we're being completely honest, there's one one reason Andre makes it onto this list. 

I really don't even have to say it, do I? 


WrestleMania III. Hulk Hogan bodyslams Andre the Giant in from of over 93,000 screaming fans. Pick a random person off the street – wrestling fan or not – and ask them to name a famous moment in WrestleMania history. Most people will tell you "when Hogan slammed Andre". It's one of those classic memories that nobody's ever going to forget. Trust me – WWE won't let you. 

Andre's match with Hogan was so popular that the televised rematch drew 33 million viewers. You couldn't pay 33 million people in the United States to watch wrestling now. Didn't Vince actually try that once on Raw? 


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