Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “The Last Stop Before WrestleMania”

The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar

wwe raw reactionThe Undertaker kicks off WWE Raw and talks about his legacy at WrestleMania. He says that there are three things that cannot be beaten; death, taxes and "The Streak."  Out comes Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. Heyman says that The Undertaker needs to win the match, not Lesnar winning it. Paul Heyman compares Brock Lesnar beating The Undertaker to Hogan vs. Andre. Brock Lesnar looks into the ring at The Undertaker and makes his way to the ring. Lesnar finally gets in the ring and floors Undertaker. He hits Undertaker with an F5.

Reaction: This was an average segment. I found the comedy from The Undertaker interesting and I also thought that Lesnar's F5 was impressive. I just am not sure they accomplished enough dramatic ties into Sunday. We needed to see Lesnar put him through a table. He needs to be beaten down time and time again. Lesnar needed more physicality and more intensity.

Score: 5.5/10

Alberto Del Rio defeated Big E

Big E controls the match early and hits a body press for a two count. Big E misses a shoulder block and hits the post.  Del Rio works on his arm and stomps on his forearm on the steel steps. Big E catches Del Rio in mid air and then gets knees to his chest. Del Rio continues to work on his arm and locks in the cross armbreaker. After some back and forth action, Del Rio kicks Big E in the face for the win.

Reaction: This was a really good match, but I really do not think the fans care. That is a big issue. Another big issue is that Big E keeps losing. He keeps losing non-title matches which tells you something. It tells you that WWE is not completely sold on Big E as a champion or a big piece of the 2014 year.

Reaction: 6.5/10


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