Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: Triple H Matches at WrestleMania


WrestleMania X-Seven

The Undertaker def. Triple H

The is the dark horse of Triple H's trio of epic matches with the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Coming off a lengthy feud with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin that ended in "3 Stages of Hell", Triple H began boasting about all the legends and heroes that he had personally destroyed. This led to the 8-0 demon from Death Valley stepping up to the plate to make Hunter "famous", as was his motto at the time.

As icing on the cake, the commentary team for this very physical match-up is one of my all-time favorite combinations of WWE Hall of Fame Jim Ross, and the incredible Paul Heyman. Undertaker's first eight WrestleMania matches had already made him a huge part of the annual spectacle, but many of them – with all due respect to the streak's legacy – weren't very good. This changed all that.

The match itself wasn't exactly a technical wrestling contest. Instead, the referee was taken out and beaten up by the Undertaker himself early on, leading to a lengthy brawl that went all around the arena. Triple H even got thrown off a production stage at one point, crashing ten or more feet to the ground. A well-timed sledgehammer shot to the head yielded one of the most heart-stopping near falls in history, but of course, Undertaker kicked ou – crimson mask and all – delivering the Last Ride powerbomb, and extending the streak to 9-0.