Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Heyman and Lesnar Are Pure Gold”

WrestleMania Undercard Taking Shape

wwe raw reactionSheamus defeated Christian

Sheamus and Christian head to the outside. Sheamus slams his boot into Christian's neck and hits a body slam. Sheamus gets a two count and Christian drives his knee into Sheamus' stomach. Sheamus clubs Christian in the back and hits a clotheslines him. Irish Curse backbreaker gives Sheamus a two count. After a boot, Christian sends Sheamus to the outside. Christian hits a baseball slide and then misses a flying body slpash. We head to a commercial break. Christian misses again and Sheamus heads to the top. Christian pushes Sheamus to the outside. Both men brawl on the outside and Christian gets a near fall inside the ring. Christian misses the frog splash and Sheamus plants him into the mat. Both men exchange right hands until Sheamus clubs Christian in the chest. Sheamus clubs him and hits a high running knee. After a two count, Sheamus hits White Noise. Christian kicks out after two and Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick from the apron for the victory.

Reaction: After the match, Christian brutally attacked Sheamus backstage. The feud with these two guys is going to be forgotten because of where they will be placed on a level of importance. It could, however, be a hit or miss at WrestleMania. I just want to know how WWE is going to make their match different from a regular Raw or Smackdown match on the biggest stage. Why should the fans care about this feud?

Score: 6/10

The Bella Twins defeated Aksana and Alicia Fox

Brie Bella kicks Aksana in the back and in comes Nikki. Brie hits a clothesline and heads back into the ring. Armdrag from the top rope grounds Brie. Aksana gets a two count and in comes Alicia Fox. Fox hits a few kicks and Aksana pounds away at Brie. Another quick tag and Alicia throws down Brie. Nikki hits a clothesline and a dropkick. Alicia is sent over by a back body drop and Aksana breaks up the pin. Nikki hits Alicia with her finisher and the win.

Reaction: Slow pacing and even slower transitions from move to move made this match seem very mechanical to me. Aksana was the only diva that really stood out to me, but it could have been her side boob. Who faces AJ Lee at WrestleMania, or will they do a battle royal match like in previous years?

Score: 4/10

Dolph Ziggler defeated Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio hits a backbreaker onto Ziggler for a quick count. Ziggler hits a DDT for a two count and the match slows down. Del Rio kicks Ziggler in the face. Aaron Paul distracts Del Rio on the top of the announcer's table. Del Rio tries a cross armbreaker, but Ziggler hits a ZigZag for the victory.

Reaction: A quick cameo for Paul and a win for Ziggler. There was nothing more or nothing less to say about this match.

Score: 5/10


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