3/2 WZ Recap: WWE Superweek Edition; CM Punk Coming Back to WWE?, Thoughts on Monday Night Raw, NXT Arrival, TNA’s Confusing Titles & More

The Future is Now

nxt tv taping results

NXT "Arrival" was a great debut on the WWE Network. I'm excited to be able to watch their product every week. 

I liked the extra shine they added to the arena to make it look more like a legit WWE show. The extra flair really does help from a TV production standpoint. 

Cesaro and Sami Zayn stole the show. They stole the month, possibly the year. I'm not ready to call it the Match of the Year yet – it's only March – but it's the best match I've seen in 2014 so far. Fun fact: all three of the best matches I've seen this year involved Cesaro. 

Paige and Emma are great. I don't know a lot about the other NXT Divas, but they are the future of their division. That was the best worked Divas match I've seen since – well, since their last match together. I hope that work rate can continue into their WWE main roster performance, but I'm not holding my breath. When was the last time any Diva worked a match like that on Raw or Smackdown? Natalya is capable. We could very well be on the verge of another Stratus-Lita-Molly-Victoria golden era for women's wrestling, but I'll believe it when I see it. 

Bo Dallas isn't champion anymore. I would have paid a full PPV price just to see that. The match was OK-to-great in certain spots. Not as good as the Zayn-Cesaro match, but a proper main event that was focused more on the title switch than anything else. Adrian Neville is the real deal. I haven't seen anybody as innovative as him since Rey Mysterio in WCW. Seeing Bo and Bray's sister behind John Cena throwing a fit was better than anything else on WWE TV so far in 2014. 


Those three segments were what WWE advertised like crazy going into "Arrival" and they all delivered. Everything else was filler, but served to get a lot of midcard names some much-needed exposure. It immediately showed you the half dozen names NXT is trying to get over right now. Alexander Rusev, the Ascension, etc. I didn't go crazy for anything else in the two-hour not-PPV, but nothing was bad either. 

Now that I'm hyped for NXT, I just need to stay hyped for NXT. 


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