Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Fatal Four Way Has to Happen”

The Undercard

wwe smackdown reactionThe Real Americans defeated Big E and Mark Henry to kick off action on Smackdown. The story of the match was more about the dissension between Swagger and Cesaro. They may be one of the best tag teams in the company, but I completely understand why WWE wants to split them apart. Cesaro is destined for bigger things and the you have to strike when the iron is hot. Cesaro hit a deadlift suplex from the apron into the ring on Big E. What a feat of strength, something I look forward to every week. What will Cesaro do next? When I watched this match, the physicality and intensity of it told me that these four guys need to be in a match together at WrestleMania.

Fatal Four Way for the WWE Intercontinental Championship featuring Jack Swagger, Cesaro, Mark Henry and Big E would be an excellent way to get all four guys in the ring together aiming for one prize. The storylines fit themselves: Swagger and Cesaro want to be better than the other, while Henry and Big E can remain faces who think the other is stronger.

You can easily build five weeks of programming combining all four of these guys. I want to see this happen. You have the strength of all four guys, combined with the experience of Henry, the athleticism of Swagger, the brute force of Cesaro and the championship around the waist of Big E. Keep the dramatic elements coming and have Zeb Colter have a bigger role. He cannot just stand aside anymore.

Score: 6.5/10

Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio via disqualification. I really forgot how good Sheamus and Del Rio are together in the ring. Sheamus gets his offense going with an electric chair and a powerslam for two. He sets up for a Brogue Kick but Del Rio hits a Backstabber for two. Sheamus ties him up in the ropes and clubs him ten times. He locks in the Cloverleaf, but Christian runs in and causes the DQ. Christian runs away and Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick onto Del Rio.

Do you like the match of Sheamus vs. Christian at WrestleMania XXX? I think it could be an excellent match, but I wonder how they can make a usual Smackdown main event more intriguing and important as the weeks go by.

Score: 5.5/10

AJ Lee defeated Cameron to retain the WWE Divas Championship. AJ goes on the attack from the very beginning. It includes a head lock, until Cameron hits a neckbreaker and a bulldog for a two count. Cameron, screaming like someone stabbed her in the stomach, misses a corner splash. Tamina gets ejected and AJ Lee gets a few kicks into Cameron. Cameron would end up tapping out to the Black Widow.

Okay, bring Paige up the main roster. She would be a perfect match for AJ Lee, even as a heel. We do not need faces and heels in the Divas division. The fans could care less who they should cheer for. Paige or Emma would be a new and fresh Diva for her to feud with. Too bad Naomi got injured because she was getting a much deserved push, thanks to her continued improvements in the ring and her freakish athleticism.

Score: 4/10


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