Darren Young vs. Titus O’Neil

Killam on what should happen: Anything but a complete and utter squash is fine. One guy gets to win, and the other must lose, unless they plan on giving this feud the proper time and dedication it takes to get deeply personal and worthwhile. What “should” happen is they brawl to a no contest, and spend the next month trying to beat the holy hell out of each other. When was the last time a tag team got the proper blow off it deserved? It won’t happen. There can’t be a Prime Time Player, Real American, Shield and Brothers Rhodes split in the same few months. There’s not enough creative power in WWE to make the stories unique and interesting.
Killam on what will happen: Titus O’Neil wins. Or Darren pulls off an upset victory, they make a big deal about it, and Titus gets his steam back on Raw where they can spend more time giving him promo time. I’d say there’s a 50/50 shot of either of those scenarios.