Wrestlezone’s Top Ten WWE Elimination Chamber Participants

#6 – The Undertaker

file_276061_2_Undertaker_Badass_10The Deadman from Death Valley is one of the most imposing WWE Superstars of all time, and he's also one of the best Elimination Chamber performers of all time. In 2008 he became the first man to eliminate three opponents in the same match since Goldberg did it in 2003. It's worth noting that he executed his opponents in three different ways, chokeslamming Finlay to hell, submitting the Great Khali to Hell's Gate, and pinning Batista with a Tombstone Piledriver. He won that match, moved on to WrestleMania and defeated Edge to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Oh right – and he lasted half an hour, winning from the #1 position in what is probably the single most dominant Chamber performance ever. 

That one match alone would have landed him on this list, but would you believe it, the Undertaker went and wrestled two more of them. In 2009 he wrestled for over 35 minutes, eliminating Kozlov and Jeff Hardy before Triple H put him down with a Pedigree to become the new WWE Champion. And in 2010, in his third consecutive Chamber match, The Undertaker defended his World Heavyweight Championship, eliminating John Morrison. The Deadman would have retained the title and went on to WrestleMania, but Shawn Michaels popped up from under the Chamber floor, hit 'Taker with Sweet Chin Music, and allowed Chris Jericho to become the brand new champion. 

At three Elimination Chamber matches, one win, one title defense and six eliminations, The Undertaker clearly belongs on this list. 


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