Wrestlezone’s Top Ten WWE Elimination Chamber Participants

#1 – Triple H

He's the King of Kings, and the King of the Elimination Chamber. Triple H is the single most dominant, most victorious and noteworthy person to ever step foot inside the most demonic structure in pro wrestling history. 

At the 2002 Survivor Series pay-per-view, Triple H was the defending champion, dropping the title to Shawn Michaels. But not before he wrestled for 39 and a half minutes. 

In 2003 he walked into the Chamber as the champion again, except this time he walked out still holding it. After Goldberg speared his way through Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho, Triple H hit him in the back of the head with a sledgehammer – assist goes to the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair – and picked up the pinfal. 

In 2005 he walked into New Year's Revolution for the first WWE PPV in Puerto Rico. The name plate on the World Heavyweight Championship was vacant, Shawn Michaels was the special guest referee, and the Game wrestled 30 minutes to eliminate rival Randy Orton, becoming champion once again. 

Triple H is the only guy to win four consecutive Elimination Chamber matches he participated in. The first two he walked out World Heavyweight Champion, then three years later he put himself in the main event of WrestleMania by defeating both Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels. The next year he took the WWE Championship from Edge, pinning Big Show and the Undertaker in the process. 2010 marked his third Chamber match in a row – for the second time – and only his second loss. He did manage to pin Sheamus, and wrestled an impressive 30 minutes, but John Cena caught him in the STF and made Triple H tap out. 

The Game has won four Elimination Chamber matches – in a row. He's got a 67% win rate in the match, winning more than he's lost, including both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship. He's won his way to WrestleMania, defeated virtually every rival he's had in the last 15 years, and is – by a very wide margin – the greatest performer in Elimination Chamber history. 

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