It's Sunday, and that means another edition of the Wrestlezone Recap, where we take a look at the big news topics of this week, and I make fun of them. Please excuse the abrasive amount of sarcasm and satire in this week's column. It's been a pretty slow news week, and there's not a ton worth talking about.
Ballers…Will it Suck?
Original Story: "Dwayne Johnson to Star in New HBO Series"
The Rock has signed on to star and executive produce a new HBO series called "Ballers". This could be good. Rocky showed some impressive range last year when he did "Pain & Gain" – a movie that didn't make my Top 10 list, but none the less showed off a side of Dwayne the fans don't get to see all that often. You know, a side that can act well.
All kidding aside (I love the Rock, I really do), I'd say you've got a 50/50 chance of this series being any good. It's on HBO, so right off the bat they're doing well. It means they have a lot more creative freedom to work with. There's also a stigma about paid cable stations, and their programming is perceived by the masses as having a higher status. Shows like Boardwalk Empire, Weeds, Dexter, The Sopranos and The Newsroom have proven that true over the years.
Here's the flip side: Peter Berg directed Hancock. He also directed Friday Night Lights and The Kingdom – two very good films – but come on…it's Hancock. I think the bad out-weighs the good here.