Wrestlezone’s Top Ten “Must See” 2014 WWE Hall of Fame Inductees

#4 – Jake "The Snake" Roberts

This is actually one of the few names on this list that I fully expect WWE to pull the trigger on this year. Jake Roberts was recently brought back to television for Raw Old School, a huge dream come true for all his fans that have been watching "The Snake" recover from a long road of addiction. Jake is one of the all-time best, and a true heel that struck fear into the hearts of kids all throughout his career. Unfortunately, he's been kept off television and away from the Hall because of personal demons; the last thing WWE wants is to put an inebriated icon on the stage. Now that those troubles seem to be behind him – in no small part due to DDP – Jake's place in the Hall of Face seems set in stone. It's only a matter of time now…

#3 – Scott Hall

Same story as Jake Roberts, right down to DDP helping him recover from years of addiction. From his four reigns as Intercontinental Champion, to his seven WCW tag titles, to his involvement in the greatest faction since the Four Horseman, Scott Hall is prime for induction into the Hall of Fame. He is so well known for a great many things, not the least of which was being a great in-ring wrestler. His matches with Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart are still some of my personal favorites. He helped revolutionize the ladder match, jumped ship to WCW, formed the Outsiders, founded the NWO alongside Hogan and Nash, and pushed the "little engine that could" known as WCW Nitro past Monday Night Raw for a long time. 

Scott Hall – WWE Hall of Fame…for life. 


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