Title This: 2013 WWE TLC Reaction December 15th, 2013

WWE TLC ReactionThe Filler Matches

R-Truth defeated Brodus Clay. The big piece of this match is that it looks like Brodus Clay is completely turning heel. He yells at Tensai and Tensai leaves. Same for Naomi and Cameron. This distraction allows Truth to roll him up. Why would you have a finish like this? A MUCH smaller guy rolls up a 400 pound guy. How does this make logical sense? All you need to know is the end of this match tells you that Clay is not a "main event player" like he continues to yell. If he was, he would have won this match.

Grade: D

Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz in another match that was not announced. I have a problem with two matches that are not announced in back to back segments. It does not feel like a big night or an important one when this happens. This match was No DQ and really did nothing for me. I wanted to see Miz really beat down Kingston. Miz as a heel is better than any Kofi Kingston we have seen. Much like Brodus, Miz as a heel cannot be taken too seriously right now. A guy who turns heel needs to win at all costs.

Grade: C-


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