WrestleZone’s Top Ten Rising Stars of 2013

Number 2: Big E Langston

top ten rising stars

Langston really started off 2013 in awkward fashion. His first match was at WrestleMania 29 alongside Dolph Ziggler. As soon as he broke away, Langston had bigger plans. All it needed was a simple face turn on Smackdown to boost his potential. After helping out CM Punk, Big E Langston finally got what he deserved. He deserved a chance at winning a championship. Now holding the Intercontinental Championship, Langston will head into the new year as arguably the third or fourth best face in the company. I am intrigued by the way he is able to run the ropes at such a large mass. I love the fact that Langston has so much personality, some that we have not yet seen. I also enjoy the fact that the crowd is attaching themselves to him because they know he can work. Langston will be a big piece of the future and really broke out in 2013.


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