WrestleZone’s Top Ten Rising Stars of 2013

Number 3: Bray Wyatt

top ten rising stars

I was live in Baltimore when Bray Wyatt debuted in WWE. He would be flanked by Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. It has been an interesting half year for the stable that calls themselves The Wyatt Family. I can say one thing for certain: Bray Wyatt is unlike any other character in WWE today. His diction and the way he speaks is so creppy and genius. He had a big match against Kane at SummerSlam, while having another big one against CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. Yes, he was not "involved" in the match, but Bray Wyatt's presense was felt from the very beginning to the very end. His character is something that cannot be duplicated. In a world in WWE where you need to stand out and have certain characteristics to succeed, Bray has them. He rose to the top in a few months and is still in a feud (kind of) with Punk and Bryan. It wil be interesting to see what 2014 holds for the man who wants everyone to "Follow The Buzzards." We have only scratched the surface.


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