WrestleZone’s Top Ten Rising Stars of 2013

Number 4: Dean Ambrose

top ten rising stars

It is easy to put all three members of The Shield together. I want to focus on the separate pieces that made these guys so good in 2013. Dean Ambrose kicked off the 2013 year with being the mouthpiece and leader. He would soon find himself capturing gold in WWE, when he claimed the United States Championship at Extreme Rules. Ambrose is going to have a successful career in WWE. We have not seen the best he has to offer and that is saying something. In 2013, Ambrose put on countless great matches, along with Reigns and Rollins, to carry Raw and Smackdown on a consistent basis. One can say that The Shield have been the MVP's of WWE. They have always given us a new level of entertainment. Ambrose has given us a great look into what he could potentially be down the road. He is rising and rising fast. When he is able to separate from the pack, expect him to be in a main event match sooner rather than later.


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