WrestleZone’s Top Ten Rising Stars of 2013

Number 1: Roman Reigns

top ten rising stars

The past year has been dominated by a group of three men. When it all began, you could see Dean Ambrose really being the leader, speaking the most and really able to further a feud with more than just one asset. This has drastically changed over the past few months. Roman Reigns has taken the biggest leap of any superstar since the beginning of November. It was all capped off by his dominant performace at Survivor Series. Why Roman Reigns? He held a championship, has consistently gotten better and better each week and has been a guy that WWE needs. WWE desperately needs a star of his size and look to be in the main event level. Roman Reigns was the highest rising star of 2013 because we all can see that he has WWE Champion written all over him. The speed, the strength, the charisma and the continued improvement in all areas are all reasons why this massive superstar will be champion in 2014.


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