WrestleZone’s Top 10 World Heavyweight Champions

Number 4: The Undertaker


It is not hard to talk about the moments that have made Undertaker important. You can talk about his wins at WrestleMania. You can talk about his involvement in the Attitude Era. Not many people talk about him being World Heavyweight Champion. Many people forget the best match at WrestleMania 23, in which The Undertaker finally faced a guy who could potentially beat him on the grand stage. Batista and Undertaker had the best match of the night and made people realize how great these giants were in the ring. You can fast-forward a year and Edge would have the opportunity to beat Undertaker. For two consecutive years, Undertaker captured the World Heavyweight Championship in front of record crowds. WWE finally realized that they did not need him to carry the championship anymore. He made great memories and he was the last guy that battled for the WHC to end WrestleMania.


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