WrestleZone’s Top 10 World Heavyweight Champions

Number 7: Chris Jericho


Every roster in WWE needs that one guy that can carry a feud no matter who he is paired with. Chris Jericho did this time and time again, which is a huge reason he will always be one of my favorite performers. Jericho held this championship three times, defeated guys like Batista and The Undertaker. Jericho was so good that he came back to WWE and was defending the championship at WrestleMania 26 against Edge. His matches were always ones that were talked about at the end of the night. Aside from being a multiple time Intercontinental Champion, I will always remember the time where Jericho lost at Unforgiven early in the night only to come back and win the World Heavyweight Championship in a Scramble Match. He has done everything and being World Heavyweight Champion were times that he thrived the most.


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