Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction October 18th, 2013

John CenaThe Main Events

John Cena is shown on the video screen talking to Alberto Del Rio after he was interviewed by Josh Matthews. Del Rio gets upset and attacks Matthews. Matthews seems to take a beating every few months and tries to "sue" WWE. This is a recurring theme and really does not do anything for me to gain any interest. Del Rio vs. Cena is going to be interesting to see how they book both guys. Cena cannot lose clean, can he? Isn't this the right time for Damien Sandow?

Grade: C

Big Show knocks out Brad Maddox. Maddox and Vickie are in the ring with the fired Big Show. Big Show is being booked stronger than any other face in the company. Shouldn't WWE focus on the guys that actually fight in matches?

Grade: B-

Daniel Bryan, Goldust, and Cody Rhodes defeated The Shield in another fantastic 6 man tag team match. I wonder why The Shield are being booked to lose more consistently. It seems like they never can get a win anymore. Nonetheless, the action was intense and was fast-paced throughout. I continue to stress how good Goldust and Cody Rhodes have been. Daniel Bryan needs to be the shining star here because he is being overshadowed by many other guys. Bryan picked up the victory for his team by hitting a dive and a running knee onto Ambrose. Like I have said before, six man tag team matches are fun to watch but they can get repetitive. Have we seen the most of The Shield has as a unit? I do not think so and think Ambrose needs to find a viable opponent for his US Title that has meant nothing in the past few months.

Grade: A-

WWE Smackdown Grade: C+

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