smackdown reaction

WrestleZone’s Top 10: What MUST Happen at WWE Battleground

Number 4: Triple H MUST Let The Wrestlers Tell The Story

Triple H

There is a time and a place for Triple H to take over a show. A new Pay-Per-View is not the time, nor the place. Many people complained about Night of Champions feeling like a WWE Raw. I can’t disagree. Why? Triple H starting the show like that is very odd and slows down the pace of the event. He can be involved in backstage segments and other parts, but stay out of the ring and let your roster put on a show. I love the fact that he has inserted himself so much because he is important. On the other hand, is he taking time away from more storylines? Are they overexposing Triple H’s authority role? Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan will fight for the WWE Championship. Let them do the talking in the ring and let them sell the event.


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