Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction October 3rd, 2013

Impact WrestlingThe Undercard

Jeff Hardy and Manik defeated Kenny King and Chris Sabin started off Impact Wrestling's action. Jeff Hardy and Kenny King picked up the offense in the match, with Hardy hitting a body splash from the second rope. King finally got the upper hand, with a bloody face, by hanging Manik up on the rope. King slows the pace down with him and Sabin making quick tags. They really beat down Manik throughout the match until Hardy finally gets the hot tag. I really enjoyed the tag team wrestling between King and Sabin. They looked like they have been teaming for years. After a Northern Lights Suplex onto Hardy and chaos in the ring, Manik hits a move and Hardy connects with Swanton Bomb for the victory. This was a solid match that had all men do their roles very well. Hardy was the hot tag and Manik was the underdog. Chris Sabin came into the ring after the match and Austin Aries came into the ring to talk about X-Division Championship. They book these four guys in an Ultimate X Match. That should be one of the best matches of the year for TNA.

Grade: B

Magnus defeated Daniels in a rather methodical match. Instead of a fast paced contest, we saw both men slow things down and really focus on technicality. Daniels grounded Magnus after some chops and a headlock takedown.  Magnus hit a few reversals before a massive clothesline and heads to the top but gets hung up on the rope. Daniels locks in an incredible submission move to force Magnus to reach the ropes. Daniels controlled the match for the majority until Magnus hit his finisher for the victory. Magnus wanted to go through all the members of E.G.O. One down and out comes Kazarian.

Grade: B-

Magnus defeated Kazarian after we get back from a commercial break. Magnus showcases more of his power in this match, which included a side suplex and a flying elbow that drives into the heart of his opponent. His stature is perfect for someone looking to be a main eventer. He is strong enough, fast enough, and is getting more work from some of the best. Kazarian hits a pump kick to the sternum of Magnus. Kazarian tried a "Fade to Black" but is reversed into a Texas Cloverleaf.  Kazarian ends up tapping out, which brings out Bobby Roode. Magnus is 2-2.

Grade: C

Magnus loses to Bobby Roode . Roode comes into the match and quickens the pace immediately. Roode worked so intelligently on the legs of Magnus. These are obviously much weaker after two matches. I notice that Roode focuses on the weak links of an opponents' body. This is very similar to how Randy Orton attacks. Magnus hits a suplex driver for a two count. He finally gets back on the offensive and tries to connect Texas Cloverleaf onto Roode. He does, but Roode is able break free. Magnus heads to the top and misses an elbow drop. Roode, after the miss, applies the Crossface submission hold in the middle of the ring. He fights his way but Roode locks in another submission hold. I loved the gauntlet idea for Magnus. Three different opponents tested the will and strengths of Magnus. What did this tell me? Magnus does not have a weakness in the ring. After the match, Magnus and Sting are in the ring together. Magnus says he does not need another pep talk from him and the frustration is mounting. Magnus says he is not getting the results and says he has always looked up to Sting. Sting vs. Magnus is booked for Bound For Glory. I love it!

Grade: B+

We see the debut of Lei'D Tapa. She debuts by attacking Velvet Sky and Brooke Tessmacher. She looks intense and comes in like a maniac. She hits a Samoan Drop and lays out the other women. We will see where this goes. I am optimistic because Knockouts Divison could use some fresh blood.

Grade: C+


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