Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction September 27th, 2013

Randy OrtonThe Main Events

Paul Heyman comes out and says that it is the fault of the WWE Universe that CM Punk got beaten down on Raw. Heyman shows footage of Raw when Ryback and Axel attack Punk. Paul Heyman thanks the WWE Universe for helping him out on Raw. He talks about Punk's worship and how the fans will cost Punk his match at Battleground. He says Punk does not stand a chance against Ryback and says he cannot beat Ryback. He says history will repeat itself and the fans are to blame for Punk's failures.

No matter what is said or how it is said, Heyman always knows how to progress a feud. He does not need Punk on Smackdown. He did not need the appearance on Ryback or Axel. This tells you how important he is in the WWE. Vince, Triple H, and Stephanie KNOW this. He is so damn smart and articulate with what he says. He knows how to get cheered and definitely knows how to get booed. He is the best voice in the WWE.

Grade: B

Randy Orton vs. The Miz ended Smackdown. Orton was attacking Miz for a good portion of the match. Miz landed awkwardly into the corner and was grabbing at his shoulder. The doctor came to the outside, but Randy Orton grabbed Miz and hit a DDT. Orton punches away at Miz and the bell is rung. Orton snaps and assaults Miz over and over. He yells at the timekeeper and the referee. Technically, The Miz picks up the victory via disqualification. Triple H comes out and says Orton tried to get disqualified. He restarts the match as Miz is injured. As the match is restarted, Miz is thrown on the announcer's table. Miz fights back and hits a few chair shots onto the viper. Orton hits a hanging DDT from the barricade, much like what happened to RVD last week. Orton stands tall as Smackdown ends.

1. Randy Orton needs to not give a crap every week. This is perfect for what WWE wants him to do. He needs to be ruthless and intense every single week without missing a beat.

2. The Miz has gotten more face love over the past week than he has in the past year. If WWE does not want him to turn heel, they need to keep him in the spotlight. Miz is a likable guy who the fans can connect with. They just need a reason to care.

Grade: B+

WWE Smackdown Grade: B-

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