Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction September 13, 2013

Randy OrtonThe Main Event

Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel are interviewed by Michael Cole about their match at Night of Champions. Two points. 1. Paul Heyman, with blood shot eyes and facial hair, is really making this seem like his world is coming to an end if CM Punk gets his hands on him. 2. That is the genius and the little things that he does to build a storyline. Is there anyone else that could pull this off without being a wrestler? I am not sure we can say that. Axel will fight Punk for 10-15 minutes until he gets eliminated. What happens next is anyone's guess. My guess is that Heyman will have someone ELSE to save him.

Grade: B

-The Cutting Edge is on Smackdown with WWE Hall of Famer Edge. It is always great to see him back in the WWE. For two straight shows, Edge is able to really help the feud between Bryan and Orton. Edge knows about Orton and really grew with him in the WWE to the main event level. The intelligence between Edge, Bryan, and Orton showed in this final segment.

Randy Orton says Bryan is "good for business" while he is "best for business." THAT was a great line and really makes the story take a little swerve. It is so interesting to see Orton play the role of heel right now. He is becoming smarter and hated more each week and that is what you want from your top heel. At the end of the night, Bryan ducks an attempted cheap shot and locks in his submission hold onto the WWE Champion. The crowd chants with Bryan while Edge cuts a promo for his show to Triple H.

This did exactly what was needed. The final week belonged to Daniel Bryan and gave us a thought that he will win. People are going to buy the event wanting Bryan to win and exact revenge. Will he?

Grade: B

WWE Smackdown Grade: C+


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