Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction September 12th, 2013

Impact WrestlingBound For Glory Series Review

*For this part of the article, I am going to grade the overall process of the series and the final four participants.

Austin Aries: First off, I never thought Austin Aries should have been involved in this series for a few reasons. Out of all of the guys in the company, Aries creates stories and interesting feuds without the help of a "series" to find a new contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. His tag team with Bobby Roode was really good because it took him away from the main event picture while Bully Ray and Chris Sabin had their feud. Aries will continue to be one of the most important people in this company. With this series, we saw Aries win and lose some exciting matches. With his final match against AJ Styles, you saw how great his athleticism and technique really is. The guy is a constant professional (outside of his groin thrust into Christy Hemme's face). After this series, Aries will move onto some feud that benefits the other guy. He has gotten to a point where he can make stars in TNA. I really enjoyed him in the series, even though he didn't need it, and feel like it only helped him remind the fans why he gets cheered on a week to week basis no matter if he is a heel or face.

Grade: B

Bobby Roode: Another guy in TNA that holds high regards, Bobby Roode suffered the most out of the final four men. It seems like TNA does not know what to do with him anymore. They never should have broken him and Aries up, never should have had him in a ridiculous stable with Daniels and Kazarian, and should have let him thrive in the series. Instead, Roode was subjected to cheap losses and even cheaper heat. The guy can work and can talk just as good as anyone else. If I was the booker, I would've let Roode work in a program outside of the "Bound For Glory Series" for the sole fact that he can get to the top quicker than anyone else. He could've felt "betrayed" and upset not being involved. This would have had him get a mean streak in him and really enhance his heel persona. Instead, Roode lost in the final four with a roll-up from Magnus.

Grade: C-

Magnus: With the world, or at least a million people, paying attention to the "Bound For Glory Series" there was one guy that desperately needed to win. Magnus was that guy. Magnus needed to be the winner of the series because he is the one that is STILL unproven in TNA. With great matches and even more intrigue with his addition into Main Event Mafia, Magnus should have won to be the man that faces Bully Ray. TNA needs to realize that they can build young stars without buying the veterans. Magnus showed me that he belongs in the main event picture. He is a fresh face for the company who will continue to improve his gimmick. He has the look and the body to hold a championship. Unfortunately, Magnus loses to AJ Styles and I fear that he will not be properly used. The best thing for him is to find someone to feud with, make it extremely personal, and continue his rise. I would love an Aries/Magnus feud, but will Main Event Mafia be too consumed with Aces and Eights?

Grade: C+

AJ Styles: Nobody thought that AJ Styles would switch a gimmick that had him extremely popular for over a decade in TNA. When Styles came back to TNA, his gimmick of all black and a loner was perfect. He needed to showcase that he has the ability to change when they need him to. Throughout the BFG series, Styles put on the most consistent matches. No matter what look he sported, he was able to get the crowd to cheer for him. When he finally came back to himself, kind of, he had the blue and black back and really broke out of his shell. He deserves the title, we all understand that, but does he deserve it through this process? I felt like it was a little lazy to book for Styles, but I cannot argue him getting the championship match. If not Magnus, it had to be Styles.

Grade: B+

*This system needs fixed. Here is my solution for next year: TNA needs to put together two divisions with 6 guys. Let them fight for a month, with each man getting 4 matches. Take the top 2 of each division and have them in the final four. The final four men need to battle in two singles matches. The finals needs to take place on another show, not the same night. This could easily be a two month process, which is MORE than enough time. Then, you get over a month to build their feud for the World Heavyweight Championship.


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