Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction August 29, 2013

Bully RayThe Main Event

Dissension. That is the word that can sum up all that happened with the Aces and Eights this past week on Impact. We get Mr. Anderson confronting Bully Ray about his decision to induct Tito Ortiz into the gang. Anderson is upset because it looks like they will not vote anymore. Ray uses his power and his leadership to trump Anderson. The big angle here, to me, was that TNA is giving Ray a new "Brooke." I say that tongue in cheek, obviously. Bully Ray introduces Brooke Tessmacher as his new "girl." Damn, she was looking fantastic. I do not really have an opinion on it storyline wise because she will just be used as a chick to look at, nothing more.

At the end of the night, Hulk Hogan makes some announcements. The first one was Bound For Glory will have a 20 point match next week and finish up. Long story short: TNA couldn't keep up with the amount of matches and points so they decided to change it. This has been a mess all year and continues to show the inadequate tactics used by the backstage officials.

Hogan also makes Bully Ray vs. Sting next week ( he says for the world title, but we learn they did not mean that.) Sting attacks Ray and beats him down to end the night. So, we learned that Bully Ray will wait around and Sting will get a shot at beating him for no apparent reason.

TNA showed me tonight that they have great talent, fun matches to watch, but lack a really important angle. The best thing they have is Styles and that isn't enough to continue to add to the interest from wrestling fans.  They also are wasting their money on Hulk Hogan.

Tweet me your thought on what they need to do RIGHT NOW to be more successful as a company. It could be a superstar to sign, a backstage official, or a creative storyline. @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.

Grade: C-

Impact Wrestling Grade: B-

Reaction, over.


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