My intention within the piece was to make comparison with the popularity of Austin standing for the everyday person going against the machine. Both Austin and Mankind did this in different ways but if Bryan’s popularity continues then I would still lean towards Austin, that’s just my personal take on it but whichever we look at it, at least he’s in position he deserves!
Anyway, onto AJ Styles…
AJ Styles is currently in a negotiation process with TNA on signing a new contract. Many reports have suggested that this is something that is more-or-less confirmed, some say it’s a question of money, some say it isn’t likely to happen and others say that WWE are not interested in signing the ‘Phenomenal One’.
Taking WWE’s opinion out of the equation for the time being I would like to focus on AJ Styles’ point of view. AJ should seriously be considering making a pitch to WWE.
AJ has wrestled EVERYONE in TNA. Hell, EVERYONE has faced EVERYONE in TNA at this stage. The only match left we haven’t seen in TNA is taking place in Bellator in November so they are fat out of luck there!
Granted, AJ Styles wouldn’t come in to WWE and be a main event player instantly but he would be a welcome addition to the roster being able to provide fans with matches that are original and haven’t been seen before.
Most matches in the world of wrestling have been done these days and there aren’t many dream matches left. AJ Styles could at least make us wonder what it would be like to face people like Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and so forth.
AJ Styles is currently at the right age to be making this move. At 36 he is in his prime with another 4-5 years on the road before he could start to slow down his schedule. Yes it would mean that he has to work on the road every night and travel a lot more than usual but he is a talent that seems to be wasted on TNA and this could be his chance to be seen across the wider wrestling audience.
AJ Styles could be following in the footsteps of Sting by trying to become the respected wrestler which makes his name outside of the WWE but with the way TNA is operating at the moment I think the sensible move from a career point of view would be to move on, challenge himself in a new company and prove himself to a wider audience (which he is more than capable of doing.)
Then there is the other side of the coin. AJ could re-sign for possibly more money, keep the lighter schedule, spend time with his family and still be loved by the TNA faithful, but will TNA be around long enough for AJ to finish his career there?
Obviously AJ will be weighing in these options and WWE has already made a general statement saying that they have no desire to take anyone from TNA but if the stars aligned then surely they would be a fool for not taking advantage of such a good talent?
As usual, only time will tell with these matters but AJ and WWE have an opportunity here, so let’s hope that the right decision is made for AJ Styles (personally and financially) and for wrestling fans.
Do you think AJ should sign with WWE? Do you prefer him in TNA? Is it stale to keep him in TNA or do you think he would be mistreated in the big pool of the WWE?
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