Isenberg and Killam Predict WWE SummerSlam: What Should and Will Happen

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John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

Isenberg: A pure wrestler faces off against a pure entertainer. It has been a long time coming for WWE to finally attack the weaknesses John Cena has and they did with the hottest thing going in sports entertainment. Daniel Bryan and John Cena will be a match that has much more meaning that just one night. With Triple H as the referee, I see him calling the match right down the middle only to have Vince bring his corporate guy out…. Randy Orton. My prediction is that Daniel Bryan wins the title and then loses it to Randy Orton, who is told by Vince McMahon to come out. This sets up Orton as the heel, Bryan as the face, and Cena takes time off before coming back strong. I could also see Orton trying to cash in, but have Triple H Pedigree him and walk off. This could set the groundwork for Orton vs. Triple H at WrestleMania down the road. It may be a long time to plan out, but do not be surprised to see this happen.

Killam: I have no clue how this match is going to end. This reminds me a lot of CM Punk’s match against Ryback at Hell in a Cell last year. Regardless of how disappointing the end of that match was, it was still highly anticipated because neither the champion nor the challenger had been beaten. This match is highly anticipated because it’s rooted in truth (or at least, the truth fans are eager to buy into). Art imitates life, as they say. There’s several normal options WWE could take. Cena could win. The whole elbow injury could not actually be that serious; wouldn’t be surprised if they used a real problem to work an angle that would set him back, just to swerve the crowd. Bryan could win. Bryan could win, then Orton could win. Bryan could win, Orton could cash-in, but fail to win. Triple H could turn heel, Vince McMahon could get involved, Randy Orton could turn heel. Nobody has even pitched the idea of Stephanie or Bryan turning heel. And as always, because this IS a perfect time and the fans ARE ready for this to happen, even though it WON’T happen, and EVERYONE will ridicule me for bringing it up…Cena could be the one to turn and side with Vince.