Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Summerslam Matches

Number 6: The Undertaker vs. Edge inside Hell in a Cell at SummerSlam 2008


This may have been my favorite feud of 2008 and it all ended at Summerslam inside Hell in a Cell. The match had so much anticipation and build for it. Months and months went by with Edge and Undertaker battling back and forth leading up to this match. The storyline was simple, but it brought a new dimension into the character of Edge. He had to be in the mental state to fight Taker inside Hell in a Cell. Mick Foley, in a promo on Smackdown, helped him get to this point. With a chokeslam that sent fire up in the ashes of Edge’s body, this match had some of the best spots I have seen. For a gimmick match on a big stage, it exceeded all of my expectations.


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